Aanvik used to move continents; now he moves colors and shapes. Underscoring his work is a fascination with culture and points of collision— where our past meets art.
When he's not writing in the third person he's watching sports, reading romcom manga, or finding new ways to decrease his attention span.​
Currently, moving images at the Google Creative Lab. He is also an instructor at Miami Ad School NY. Always open to chat 🌻
[Portrait Photography by Joe Tankersly]

Good Moves '23 | March
Red Dot | Brands and Communication 2023
Applied Arts | December 2023
Communication Arts | 2023
ADC Young Ones '22 | Portfolio in Film and Animation
The Motion Awards 2024| Commercial > Student: Winner
The Motion Awards 2024 | Interactive > Student
The Motion Awards | Infographic: Nominee
Young Ones ADC Award '23 | Portfolio in Film and Animation: Shortlist x5
Bloom Magazine
Wine After Coffee
MODE Festival '23 | Title Sequence: Finalist
MODE Fest '23 | Informational or Persuasive: Finalist
MODE Fest '23 | Experiential: Finalist
MODE Fest '23 | Branding/Promotional: Finalist
Rookie of The Year '22 | 2D Animated Film: Finalist
The Rookies Draft Selection '22 | Motion Graphics
The Rookies Draft Selection '23 | Motion Graphics
CoMotion ‘23 Showcase | Winner x5
CoMotion ‘22 Showcase | Winner x4
CoMotion ‘23 Showcase | Finalist x4